Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Behold, the Undecided Band!

Greetings, stranger!
Welcome back!

A little while ago, actually it's probably been a month or two now, we were asked to do a video of our sibling band playing a song.  And post it on the blog.  
Long story short, the sweet sisters who requested it didn't specifically mention that they wanted to hear us play, so we decided to make a silent film.
This is for you, Ladies Risa, Mari, and Sam!!!

Sarah, Jenny, & Julia

Featuring our brother, Jamin!

P.S. Eventually, we will post a video of us actually singing and playing something... Hope you had a laugh!
P.P.S Brief explanation on the post title: For a while we couldn't decide on what to call our little group, so we were definitely undecided.  Now we are known as Undivided, which comes from Psalm 86:11, "Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name." (NIV)


Sam said...

So funny! Thanks for posting it, I love silent films and this is great.
P.S. Can we re-post this? It's alright if not but it's just too good...

Nightingale said...

Hilarious! I love it! d(^o^) The acting and music were both great. Definitely made me laugh!


Sarah said...

Absolutely! You have our permission!
Glad you liked it =D

Sarah said...

Thanks! Very glad you enjoyed it! ^ _ ^